
Energy SavingsAsset 12x



  How FanHandler Saves Energy    


1) Temperature controlled blower response

            This is the main reason for FanHandler’s tremendous energy savings. While most systems run only at a single preselected speed. Our systems reduce the speed of the blower motor to only what is needed for the given conditions. When a typical furnace is installed, the contractor sets the speed of the blower motor to meet the maximum needs of the home. In most cases they will set it slightly higher than the home would ever need, inorder to give some “cushion”.  With traditional systems this is necessary to keep the furnace operating properly in varying conditions. However with FanHandler installed, the speed of the blower is automatically adjusted to the exact speed required by the unit for the given conditions. As conditions change throughout the day, week, month, or year. The blower will consistently be delivering exactly the amount of air the furnace needs, no more, no less. This can cut back drmatically on electirc bills because even small reductions in fan speed lead to big savings in energy(see The Fan Laws)This also means that the furnace will deliver nice warm air keeping homeowners more comfortable, which brings us to our next point, FanHandler can reduce energy consumption though increased comfort.


2) Comfort

            Here at FanHandler we realized that saving energy in a laboratory setting is one thing, but really making a furnace more efficient means making it better at doing its job. And the primary job of a furnace is to make the occupants comfortable. The department of energy states that for every degree you turn down the thermostat in the winter you save 3% on your heating bill. In real world applications the only way people are going adjust their thermostat setting down is if they are more comfortable. And if they are not comfortable they will be turning it up. This is why comfort has always been our top priority. Not only do FanHandler controls make the home more comfortable by delivering warmer air in the winter and cooler air in the summer, but they also use gentle air circulation to balance out the temperatures in the home. This eliminates hot and cold spots, gives even temperatures from room to room, and from floor to ceiling. This drastically increases comfort, meaning that instead of cranking up the heat in the winter occupants may find themselves more comfortable even at a few degrees lower than they would normally keep their thermostat setting.


3) High Efficiency Blower Motor (ECM4 and ECM4Z models only)

            While many standard systems use PSC motors that operate at a maximum efficiency of about 60%. FanHandler’s ECM Modulator line uses high efficiency ECM technology, increasing the blower efficiency to 82% this gives an instant 22% efficiency gain on top of the other savings seen by temperature controlled blower response alone.


If you are interested in learning more please contact us at either email address below

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  • Fan Handler,
    We are an HVAC dealer in SE Ohio and have installed several Fan Handlers. Our customers who have them absolutely love them. One of our outside salesman recently moved to a new home and decided to move his Fan Handler with him. In doing so, he lost the sensors. I've never had to purchase any parts for the Fan Handlers we've installed so I don't know any part numbers. His Fan Handler will be installed on a gas furnace with air conditioning. Can I order just the sensors or do I need to purchase a new Fan Handler unit. I'd appreciate any info you can provide with regards to this.


    Tim Thomas
    David White Services Inc
    Purchasing Manager