

  • Dick,

    I haven't spoken to you in some time, since I retired from the HVAC Distributorship business. I've installed a number of your fan controls over the years including one in my own home approximately 10 years ago and absolutely loved it. I've moved to rural Tn. with an all electric home, which means I have 2 heat pumps (one mini split & one 3-1/2 ton system). I want to install a Fan Handler on my main system air handler which utilizes a single speed 208/230v. motor.

    Incidently, the control I had in my previous home was on a PSC sleeve bearing motor which ran 24/7 at very low speed and at approx. 10 years use, NEVER gave my any problems. It is still operating just fine according to the new owner.

    -Bob Bredesen
    Bredesen Mechanical
    1265 Old Lock A Rd.
    Charlotte, Tn. 37036